Act Now for Peace, Security and Accountability in Sudan

north sudan - idpSudanese President Omar al-Bashir is wanted on charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity for his crimes in Darfur. And he is continuing his crimes with impunity.

We need action now. Courageous lawmakers are standing with the people of Sudan, demanding action to protect those at risk, create a sustainable peace and hold Bashir accountable for his actions. But they need our help.

Ask your lawmakers to co-sponsor the Sudan Peace, Security and Accountability Act. The Act is the best hope for action by the United States for the people of Sudan.

Dear [your representative],

Ten years ago the Government of Sudan led by Omar al-Bashir began a genocide in Darfur. Today the suffering in Darfur has spread to other states in Sudan. The crisis is far from over and neither should the outcry and global efforts for peace, security, and accountability.

I am writing to urge you to co-sponsor the Sudan Peace, Security and Accountability Act. By supporting the Sudan Peace, Security and Accountability Act, you will be acting to bring a just and lasting peace to Darfur and all of Sudan, urgently address the humanitarian crisis; and hold those responsible for human rights crimes accountable.

The Sudan Peace, Security and Accountability Act of 2013 will create:

* Peace: create a comprehensive strategic plan to end serious human rights violations, promote democratic transformation, and create peace throughout all of Sudan;

* Security: Demands free and unfettered access for international humanitarian aid and calls for an international peacekeeping force with a mandate and resources to protect civilians; and

* Accountability: Imposes sanctions on any government who provides any military equipment to the Government of Sudan or fails to execute international arrest warrants against Sudanese officials, including President Bashir.

A decade after the attacks in Darfur began, it is time for action for the people of Darfur and for all those under attack in Sudan. Thank you.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

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