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A Million Reasons for Caution in Burma

While the swearing in of Burma's new government is welcome news, the U.S. must keep the pressure up to protect minorities there who remain under siege....

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Ignoring the Plight of the Rohingya is a Mistake

The State Department’s minimization of the plight of the Rohingya is sending dangerous, mixed......

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Will Lobbyists Succeed in Improving Sudan’s Image?

Sudan is capitalizing on the lack of attention to its atrocities and these lobbyists are helping....

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A Fool for South Sudan

The UN Security Council has played the role of fool for too long on South Sudan. It is time for an arms embargo and...

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An Ounce of Prevention: How We Can Stop the Next Genocide

The violence today in Syria, Sudan, South Sudan, Burma and other places are clear reminders of the consequences of failed prevention. We can do better....

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United To End Genocide – Organization Overview



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Stop the horror

Our Mission

United to End Genocide is dedicated to preventing and ending genocide and mass atrocities worldwide by building a powerful, lasting movement of community activists, faith leaders, students, artists, investors and genocide survivors, and all those who believe we must fulfill the promise the world made following the Holocaust: “Never Again!”

Learn more about our work
