President Obama, say “Rohingya”

He said it! Thanks to you and the global wave of support for the #JustSayTheirName campaign, President Obama, said Rohingya Friday November 14th at a press conference in Burma.


The government of Burma wants the world to ignore the existence of the Rohingya people, but you — and now the President — have refused to ignore their plight.

The Associated Press credited the #JustSayTheirName campaign for drawing attention to the Rohingya in a news story that has literally travelled round the world. Forty three of our Congressional allies signed onto a letter demanding an end to human rights abuses in Burma.

And when we stepped into the White House for a meeting with senior officials last week the first thing they were quick to acknowledge was our campaign. 

President Obama’s use of the word Rohingya is a big deal. Publicly saying the name of one of the most persecuted groups on earth — despite Burmese government pressure not to — is an important statement and a step in the right direction.

Our work to stop the march to genocide in Burma — and save the more than 1.3 million Rohingya from the horror that they face every day — is just beginning. If President Obama’s public use of the word Rohingya is to be more than a noble gesture, he will need to back it with action.

And with you with us, we will be here to make sure he does.

The Rohingya Muslim ethnic minority in Burma have been called “the most oppressed people on Earth”. They continue to suffer vicious attacks and systematic abuse by Burma’s government. Fleeing violence, over 140,000 Rohingya live in what many describe as “concentration camps.”

Denied use of their name in the recent census, Burma’s government now wants to fully erase their existence, asking the United States, the United Nations and the rest of the world not to even use the word Rohingya.

In just a few short weeks, President Obama is going to Burma for a meeting with regional leaders. It is critical for the existence of the Rohingya for him to say their name and demand their protection during his visit.

Sign the petition below and urge President Obama to say “Rohingya” and then show him how easy it is to #JustSayTheirName.

Dear President Obama,

I stand with the Rohingya – an ethnic minority that is under siege Burma. Conditions for the Rohingya have progressively gotten worse during your term in office. Today, 140,000 Rohingya have been isolated living in what have been described as concentration camps.

The government of Burma would like the world to ignore the Rohingya. President Thein Sein has even declared “There are no Rohingya” in Burma. Now, Burma’s government has pressured the U.S., the UN and the rest of the world not even to mention the name Rohingya.

I call on you to say their name – Rohingya – and demand the government of Burma to stop the persecution and oppression of the Rohingya during your upcoming visit to Burma. Please make it clear that you are prepared to use the tools available to you, including sanctions, to protect the lives and the rights of the Rohingya.


Sign our Petition!

10,290 have signed so far.
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