Stop Ethnic Cleansing in Burma

Recent ethnic and religiously motivated violence, burning of homes and hateful rhetoric are ominous warning signs of genocide in Burma.

While Burma’s government has sat by — or even worse, participated in the fighting — over 125,000 innocent civilians have been displaced. Yet, the United States has continued to reward Burma for limited political and economic reforms by scaling back sanctions. Urgent action is needed to prevent a genocide from being unleashed on Burma’s ethnic minorities.

Contact President Obama now and demand that the United States take immediate action to stop the violence.

Dear President Obama,

I am deeply concerned about the sectarian violence being carried out in Burma. Recent killings, burning of homes and hateful rhetoric are ominous warning signs of genocide. Urgent action is needed to prevent a genocide from being unleashed on Burma’s ethnic minorities.

Over the last year, your Administration has lifted many sanctions against Burma to reward political and economic reforms. Yet, the Burmese government continues to commit severe human rights abuses and has consistently displayed insufficient response to ethnically and religiously motivated attacks.

The leading role that your Administration played in scaling back sanctions on Burma obligates the U.S. government to act urgently and demand that the Burmese government protect its ethnic populations.

I am asking you to use all tools at your disposal to demand action — including a thorough review of all U.S. sanctions and placing greater accountability on Burmese President Thein Sein. I also urge you to call for a United Nations observer mission to investigate the violence, deter escalation and hold the perpetrators of violence accountable.

Your consideration of this urgent request is appreciated and I look forward to your response.

Sign our Petition!

12,362 have signed so far.

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