United to End Genocide Condemns U.S. Invitation of Sudanese Officials

Washington, D.C. - United to End Genocide and its supporters condemned the Obama Administration’s invitation of Sudanese high level officials to the United States while severe human rights violations are still unfolding in Sudan.

Tom Andrews, the President of United to End Genocide, released the following statement:

“United to End Genocide believes that the delegates of Sudan’s National Congress Party (NCP) do not deserve to be rewarded by the United States government and invited to Washington, D.C. until they stop committing crimes against the civilians throughout Sudan.

It is imperative that in his new term, President Obama evaluates his previous diplomacy towards Sudan, sets strong policy with clear measures that can help end the suffering of the people of Sudan, and hold the perpetrators accountable before offering rewards.

This year marks the ten year anniversary of the start of the Darfur Genocide. Two years after Khartoum’s attacks against the people of South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, many people remain displaced and are at risk of continued attacks. Recent reports indicate violence in Darfur has escalated, and the security situation is deteriorating. Thousands have been newly displaced. The blockade of humanitarian access is yet to be eased in South Kordofan and Blue Nile, where hundreds of men, women, and children continue to face death and are at extreme risk of starvation. Even as the invitation was made, citizen journalists in South Kordofan were reporting bombs falling on civilian areas in Sudan.

These realities on the ground and a history of failure to live up to past agreements reflect the fact that Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir and his government are unwilling to change their behavior and, as they once falsely promised the United States government and the international community, end the crimes they continue to commit against the Sudanese people. Truly substantive progress should be seen before members of the regime are welcomed to the United States.
